“Echoes of Fantasy Heroes” by Gin Kiryu explores the untold stories of mythical warriors, bringing their world to life through detailed illustrations. A self-taught artist based in Singapore, Gin channels her background in architecture and passion for games into vivid concept art and fan art. With this exhibition, Gin transports us into fantastical realms where every hero’s armor, every dragon’s scale, and every enchanted landscape is meticulously designed. As a creature design artist in the gaming industry, she has mastered the art of creating dynamic, imaginative characters—offering a glimpse into what could be the next iconic fantasy saga. Join us on Thursday, October 17th at 6:00 p.m. (UTC) at Unity Gallery in The Sandbox to experience these extraordinary realms. Let Gin Kiryu’s intricate artistry inspire your own imagination. #EchoesOfFantasyHeroes #GinKiryu #UnityGallery #FantasyArt #GameArt #Illustration